Carrot Lolly

The first time Walter has been offered one and he was not impressed, he looked the other way and then ran off to join the rest of the flock. The donkeys gained from the rejection and crunched their way through the ice to get to the carrots. Mowed the long grass in the bottom paddock, it has too much sugar for the donkeys and the sheep have more than enough to eat. The hedgerow that was laid over a year ago is looking good, full of fresh growth and dense at the bottom. A warm sunny day with light winds.

Birthday Boys

As it’s not known when the donkeys were born their birth date is noted on their passport as 1st January, so the day they arrived here from the Donkey Sanctuary is their birthday, and it’s today! They had a special treat of apple and carrot ice lolly and were given a new toy to play with – a bicycle tyre. It’s hanging on one of the posts next to their plastic red collars; I’ll know in the morning whether they’ve touched it. They don’t play with the car tyre that’s available so I hope this is more successful. A lovely sunny day with warm sunshine and a freshening wind that made the bike ride along Sweet Briar a breeze.